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March 04, 2007

Gus love

Gus love, originally uploaded by jannacybill.

John went in to studio today, so I stayed home with Gus and Eli. Both were diagnosed with ear infections on Thursday, so while they're definitely on the mend, it was nice to just stay in pajamas and play. I was a bit apprehensive about today, because both have needed a lot of individual attention the past week, but today couldn't have gone better. I mean, I got both down for naps around the same time. A true miracle.
(so there's dirty dishes in the sink...but I got Gus to help me clean out the toy baskets, so that tradeoff was worthwhile.)

Gus is beyond engaging these days. He is enthusiastic, inquisitive, full of opinions and will, and has quite the comedic timing. He's throwing words like 'fragile' and 'plan' at me, he asks me what things are and what they do, and he's becoming quite the compromiser when it comes to getting a cookie or eating some Pirate's Booty ("I'll eat two bites of my sandwich, then I can have Booty!")

Tonight as I put some lip gloss on, he said, "Mama, you're so pretty."

Posted by janna at March 4, 2007 11:31 PM


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