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February 27, 2007

The first year in the life of Elias

Eli, Eli, Eli!!!

It seems impossible that a year ago yesterday I walked into the hosptial, ever so leisurely, still waiting for you to come, but knowing we would be hastening your arrival. You weren't really due until the 28th, but Mondays were good days for the doctor...and I have to admit I was pretty anxious to meet you.

Now, I'm still not quite 'over' the fact that I was hallucinating when you came out of me, but seeing you brought me back to reality faster than anything. You came out with such a fierceness (that I couldn't describe, except to say, "it's perfect" and "beautiful".... swirly colors, patterny=trippy), but I still remember how it felt. It was like someone had suddenly convinced you to come on out, and you did it with speed and gusto...and you haven't stopped.

You seem to learn everything very quickly, especially these days. Much of that I attribute to having an older brother. I never really understood the impact of a sibling until I had you, Eli. I see how much Gus has influenced you to crawl earlier, walk earlier... I also see how much Gus playing with you has taught you survival skills such as tearing Gus' hands off your face. You now even mimic Gus when he sings songs!

Did I mention that you're walking now? Not just a few steps, but pivoting, changing directions, full-on walking. Your body is finally catching up to your brain, as your early tumbles showed me that you were ready mentally to be speed-walking across the living room, but your legs hadn't caught up yet.

And your smile. Deep, heartfelt, full-on grins. The teeth you have now (verging on five), just add that "aww shucks" factor. Then come your kisses and hugs. You freely crawl up to people, and give them hugs. In fact, at Lenscrafters last weekend, you crawled up to a complete stranger, held your arms up in request to be picked up, and promptly put your head on her shoulder. If that's not a snugglebunny, I don't know what is.

I feel like I blinked and we're at a year. Here's to savoring every day a little more, and soaking in all your wonderful changes and discoveries.

At birth:

Happy Birthday, Elias

Love you!

Posted by janna at February 27, 2007 10:38 PM


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