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April 09, 2005

slowly but surely...

I'm pulling it together here.

I'm using a new version of my publishing system and I'm going to have to import all the older entries. Fingers crossed.

it's too good not to mention our day. John, Gus and I went to a nature preserve around two miles away from our place. We brought some food, had a picnic on a peninsula that jutted out into a pond. We watched seven turtles sunning themselves. We watched a little boy scoot out over the water on this enormous tree that had fallen.

Embarassing moment? Realizing tonight that pretty much the only thing that got sunburned was the underside of my forearms. How does that happen, since it has never happeend before? it's called eating, and I apparently had my hands up to my mouth quite often.

Best line of the day?

"Hey Gus, did you hear that duck?"
*I look at John with that, you know, 'look'*
"What? I'm a Dad, I'm supposed to say stuff like that."

i'll post pics later, i have a sick kid on my hands, sleeping next to me on the couch, coughing up what appears to be a lung.

Posted by janna at April 9, 2005 06:10 AM

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