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April 05, 2005

where is it?

We must be very, very careful.

It only takes one time of us doing something before Gus is copying our actions. Most of the time this works to our favor, like this new action. Let's say we have a napkin... and then we drop it.


Where is it??



Gus is so expressive these days... his eyebrows have suddenly become quite active, like he suddenly understands the power of facial expressions. Some other tricks:

-If there is something that needs to be thrown away, if we ask Gus to do it, he'll throw it away with a smile (we're not teaching him to fetch the newspaper or get a beer, don't worry)
-Tonight at the grocery store, we walked by the apples and suddenly, for the first time, Gus looks at me and signed the sweetest apple sign I've ever seen. It goes to show that even though he may not sign something right away, he's taking it in!
-Gus is eating just about anything...if he feels like it. Guacamole, smoked salmon, pumpkin muffins, all the way to cheerios. But when he doesn't like something, it doesn't stay in his mouth long. He follows the spitting out with a clear shake of the head and a 'no'. At least he tries...
-He is obsessed with being outside and is quite unhappy when we go inside. He loves to walk up and down the sidewalk, look at flowers, point out PLANE and look for birds.
-Some things Gus is signing: milk, cookie, play, upstairs/downstairs, zeppo, apple (!), more, please, boat, turtle, horse, kangaroo (a favorite!), monkey, book, train, sock, bunny, bird, duck, dog, finished, food, water, pig, mama, papa, grandma, hat, diaper (sometimes...), ball, brushing teeth, soap, fish, plane
-Some things Gus is saying: mama, papa, more, cracker, cookie, car, plane, shoe, NO !

Posted by janna at April 5, 2005 12:26 AM


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