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April 18, 2005


I wish that the name for croup didn't sound like what it was.

We took Gus to the doctor last Monday with a horrilbe raspy, barky cough, topped with some labored breathing.


I stayed home with him on Monday and Tuesday, while John subsequently stared feeling sick and struggeled the rest of the week. Gus has to have breathing treatments twice a day, and happily does so after we play a Baby Einstein DVD, with the volume turned up extra loud so he can still hear it over the noise of the treatment machine.

We went out of town this weekend, to Galena. I have many great pictures to share, but that will have to wait until I can stay awake. Gus came down with a fever again last night, and went to bed with a high one, so I must scoot off and check on my boy.

In the meantime, enjoy the new design (still a bit in progress, but getting closer!).

Posted by janna at April 18, 2005 04:57 AM


Gee whiz, Gus! Croup, oh no! Treatments?? That is just what Aunt Deb does for a living, did you know that? I am the lady who comes around and gives those noisy treatments! They do make you feel better though, right? I hope so! At least you were able to stay home with Mom and Dad and didn't have to stay in the "you-know-what." Many little guys your age would have had to stay. You are lucky that you have great parents who can keep up with whatever you need and keep you home. I sure do feel bad for you Gus. You have had your share of bugs this year but that means that next winter will be a snap for you, right? What you all have to remember is that everyone seems to get a little bug at this time of year. When I was little I remember my grandparents calling this "fools weather." I didn't understand what that meant until I started working as a respiratory therapist. It just meant that people are so happy to get out of the house after a long winter that they would end up going out and accidentally picking up an h-flu bug or get their allergies riled up by being outside on a nice spring day. I think it is worth it, don't you? I understand that you are a boy who just does not want to be in the house, right? Well, you get well and rest alot and do what Mama says and before you know it you will be right back out there! Until then, love you lots, keep doing your treatments (with what meds I wonder) and be the great little guy I know you are. love you all, Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at April 18, 2005 10:48 AM

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