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January 06, 2005

Stay back, ye who approach our home


Oh, my hopes were high. I wanted snow up to my throat, the kind of snow where you buckle down, accept how futile it would be to shovel, wear pajamas and just feel warm and secure inside. I wanted snow that shut down work, gave me an excuse to make quiche...just because...and was so high we didn't care that we couldn't go out because we had absolutely everything we had inside.

While we did get a lot of snow, and Gus practically woke up signing snow, it was not even close enough to give us an excuse to NOT shovel, to not wrap Gus up in his snowsuit, to not go to work. I guess the ten-year-old Janna is still around, hoping that school will be cancelled.

Gus is 13 months today. I finally realized today why people stick with months when referring to their child under two. So much happens in this second year that to simply say your child is one does not do justice.



Cristy said that Gus was signing cookie today and then pointing at the jar. Oh, my....

Posted by janna at January 6, 2005 10:09 PM