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January 11, 2005

one-handed walking

The whole two-handed walking thing seemed bizarre to me...it really cannot be comfortable to walk around this life with your arms straight above your head, stuck in some kind of permanent 'hallelujah'. Tonight, ladies and gentleman, it happened. One-handed walking, the kind I will have with Gus well into his childhood, the kind that will happen when we're shopping, or crossing the street, or happy to see each other. He was uncertain at first, but with each little step he became quicker, more confident, and in turn less willing to go back to the 'hallelujah'. John came over to offer his hand to the one floating out from Gustav's body, holding the imaginary banister that was keeping his balance. So here is John's hand, ready, willing, waiting to be taken....but no. Gus pulls his hand back, explicitly showing his desire to keep going. So on we went.

Have I mentioned lately that I love this boy, that I love these boys? There.

The past few nights, as I've started the "It's time for rest" routine, Gus has been wanting John to put him to bed. It's the sweetest thing, putting his arms out for John, then snuggling into the nape of his neck, head resting on the lovely shoulder (oh, how lovely it is to rest there). Gus practically dives out of our arms into bed these days. Oh, thank you, sweet sleeping powers, thank you!

We went to visit Baby Pearl on Sunday, precious little girl...She is so shockingly light, not because she is small for her age, but because I am used to carrying Gus.


Kyle stayed with us last night after arriving on our stoop yesterday at 5 am. Ah, to be in college and on winter break. So good to see him...


And Zeppo... she puts up with so much, and not with as much attention as she used to get. She has been amazing with Gus, letting him pet her and take her toys away. Just wait 'til he can walk, Z...


Posted by janna at January 11, 2005 09:14 PM


Here's how I see it, Zeppo. Any attention is good attention, right? Remember, where there is baby, there is food....

Posted by: Aunt Deb at January 17, 2005 09:46 AM

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