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January 05, 2005


"I don't want you to go to bed yet," I said to Gus as he gave me 101 signs that it was, indeed, time for bed.

Gus went to daycare today. On our way to the garage, the ground was covered in snow. I signed 'snow' a couple of times (bend your elbows in front of you, palms open facing out, then move your forearms and twinkling fingers down so that your arms are almost straight in front of you). As I was driving, I said snow a few times. Every time, Gus started doing his own version of snow. Quick, quick! He was so excited.

Just wait until the morning, Gus, when you'll have a foot of it to marvel at.

(will we be snowed in?)

Posted by janna at January 5, 2005 10:58 PM