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October 06, 2004

Month Ten

A year ago I was on day 35 of bedrest. I had 59 days to go. I was waking up every three hours to take Terbutaline, the medicine that was preventing me from going into pre-term labor. I was sitting on the couch that I'm sitting on right now. I was getting out of the house once a week to go four blocks to the doctor's office. John would usually drive me around a few more blocks on the way home...ah variety, the spice of life!

Ten months ago was the beginning of waking up every two to three hours to feed, change, and generally stare at a brand new Gus. I couldn't sleep at all those first few nights, I was in such awe. Gus was sleeping constantly. He was always swaddled, had a little hat on, and John and I were sharing my hospital bed.

Tonight Gus went to bed at 7:30 pm. He's still in bed. It's almost 11. He won't wake up until 5:30 am (I hope).

And I've totally jinxed myself. Gus is crying, it's 10:50. That just proves I should never utter such absolutes.

Oh Gus... you sound so sleepy. We love you.

Posted by janna at October 6, 2004 10:49 PM