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October 04, 2004

Feeling better

Ah Gus.

He's on the upswing. Gus isn't letting any nasty ear infection get him down for too long, oh no. It was a relief to see Gus with his spirits back this past weekend (and his appetite, too!).

We went to two birthday parties this weekend, both for four-year-olds. I found myself trying to imagine Gus as a four-year-old. What will he sound like? Look like? What will his obsessions be? Danny, our lovely daycare provider Christy's son, loves cars. He loves them so much that he wore a race car driver's suit, had a race car track cake, and received loads of car-themed gifts.

Cora, the daughter of the Tiny Hair's drummer, loves Snow White. So much so she wore a Snow White dress, had a snow white cake, and spoke of her love for Grumpy, although she easily admits she is not grumpy herself, nor does she know anyone so grumpy. She explained all this grumpy business with the biggest smile on her face. So charming!

After these events, which are for both the kids sake as well as for the adults, I began to wonder about birthdays. Gus will be one in two months. TWO MONTHS! It gives me flashbacks to looking at my own old birthday pics, the one where I'm in a high chair, I think, and there's a little cake with one fat candle on it. Was I at my Grandma's? Our first house in Treynor, IA? I'm getting those picture memories all messed up now. But Gus will have those picture memories too, andthat just makes me so happy.

Gus just fell asleep while nursing. The favorite question of me these days is, "When are you going to stop?" I interpret this question in two ways: 1. Janna, I'm your friend and since you talk about your boobs more than most people and you still pump at work (which you also complain about occasionally) I'm simply curious as to how long you will keep it up. OR 2. Janna, I don't really know you, but by God, woman, you're STILL nursing?

To both I respond, "I don't know," which means in response to #1: I don't really know, when he seems ready to wean. Maybe when he's drinking cow's milk (aka. milk from another type of mother, tee hee) I won't have to pump anymore and he could nurse at home until he fully weans. In response to #2: Mind your own business, it's not like I'm nursing a ten-year old.

In any case, I know the time is dwindling when I find remnants of Gustav's pasta dinner in my bra.

And I will be sad when it ends.


Posted by janna at October 4, 2004 06:32 PM