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October 08, 2004

Clear Ear!

It's so so so good.

Gustav's ears are clear! No more ear infection.

*jumping up and down*

The boy has grown, too... 21 lbs (50th percentile), 29 1/4 inches (75th percentile). He's wearing some 18-month clothing. (!)

The main reason for going to the doctor's today, however, was the flu shot. After reading about the shortage, I wanted to be sure to get Gus in as early as possible. The doctors had decided this morning that only kids between the ages of 6 months and 36 months or something like that that were in daycare would be eligible for it since they had to ration it. Yikes. I would have liked to get one just because I feel like I bring home so many germs from being on the train and just being out, but at least Gus is taken care of. He'll need another shot in a month to bolster this first one. Apparently that's the routine for the first time kids get the shot. I would not be surprised if there were no more vaccines left to do that. We'll see!

Posted by janna at October 8, 2004 05:54 PM