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May 02, 2004

Gus crawled!

In my dreams, that is.

It felt so real: I was sitting on the couch, John puts Gus on the ground and suddenly he was crawling, much to everyone's surprise. He crawled to me and pulled himself up. I was amazed, and then went into a panic when I realized there were little beads and other things on the floor...choking hazards. I was thinking, I'm not ready for this yet!

And we're not. Our sockets are exposed. I leave my hair bands next to the bed on my stand. The toilet seat is just waiting to be raised. The 409 sits exposed under the sink (Although, Gus, you can find the Swiffers there. Feel free to afix those to your hands and knees as you roam the floor. You'll probably be hitting places I don't even think exist, and that is precisely what scares me.).

There is one thing Gus is doing now...coughing. A lot. It is getting better but I must say this was the first time since having Gus where I've really felt worried and questioned if I was doing the right thing. He hasn't had a fever, and our doc prescribed some meds to loosen it all up. Now that we're consistent with the meds, it seems to be helping.

One of the best moments of the weekend was Gus trying out his new bouncy swing seat. Oh my. I was first truly exposed to the wonder of the bouncy seat when Matt & Anji brought the then seven-month-old Meagan to visit last August.


When I saw the joy on Maegan's face, I became an instant fan. A week after their visit, Matt & Anji & Maegan sent us a bouncy seat of our very own, just waiting for Gus to arrive. We finally could try it out...and we saw joy! Thanks y'all for letting me have my very own joyous bouncy baby. Gus loved it!


John's high school friend, Alvin, came into town last Wednesday and met Gus. We were so glad to see him. Alvin has the best laugh...


Gus is almost five months old. It's shocking to me. Next Sunday is Mother's Day. That is the weekend last year that we found out we were pregnant. The moms are coming into town, as are John's sister, Alison and her fiance, Emilio. We're having a dedication ceremony for Gus at the Unity Temple on Sunday morning... more on that later!

Posted by janna at May 2, 2004 11:13 PM