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April 29, 2004

Wedding Number One!

Sorry it has taken so long to post this (especially to my mom who has been patiently encouraging me to post!), this past week has gone by in a blink and has just been full. Let's cut to the chase...Wedding season has officially begun for us. We went to Cinncinnati last weekend for Mike (John's cousin) and Stacy's wedding. And since this is a blog mainly about Gus, it is important to note that this was the first time he has witnessed a marriage.

But he slept through the ceremony. Does that count?

We drove down to Cinncinnati on Friday morning, Granny Janice also in tow. Granny and Gus had a Grand time Gladly Greeting with Great Gasps of Granduer and Games...ok. I'm done with the Gs. What I'm trying to say is Granny and Gus had time in the backseat to play and chat and catch up.




Gus did a really good job for such a long car ride. We actually figured out a way for me to pump and then give Gus a bottle while we were still on the road (all seatbelts fastened, I leave the rest up to the imagination...but don't imagine. Just know it all worked fine.). The inevitable meltdown came about 20 miles before our destination, so we got Gus out of the car, spread out a blanket on a table at an American Dairy Farmer's gas station (huh?) and let him stretch out and play. It was good for all of us.


Gus met Auntie Ali and TÌo (uncle) Emilio for the first time, what a treat!


About an hour before the wedding Grandpa Paul (John's dad) came into town and met Gustav for the first time. This was such a rare opportunity since Paul lives in the United Arab Emirates and time together will be precious. Gus took to his Grandpa immediately, and why wouldn't he? Gus, John and Paul all look related!


The wedding was beautiful, in this huge cathedral. Gus slept...and slept.... and continued sleeping, for about three hours. People were starting to think he only slept.


The admirers...Everyone liked seeing John as a dad. He's a good one.


Gus & Emilio


Rosemary, Jenn (both John's cousins) and Jenn's husband, Ryan


Little Maggie was born the day after Gus! What a happy, alert, talky baby! She's Karen & Emmett's little girl, and her little brother is Eamon.



Gus, Grandpa and his sister, Janet. Gus was loving Grandpa's shoulder the whole weekend.


Gus, it's your parents.


Posted by janna at April 29, 2004 11:44 PM


All this "next generation" stuff is getting me all choked up. Oh no - am I going to be one of those old aunties who cries at all of life's happy events? You all just warm my heart, and the DeVylder Great-Grandparents to these babies, are smiling in heaven with pleasure and pride at your precious treasures (may I say "our" precious treasures?), and you! God bless all of you.
Love always, Auntie xoxoxoxoxo

Posted by: Auntie at May 11, 2004 03:23 PM