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April 21, 2004

Having a day with Gus

Monday was Patriot's Day for those of you not in the know. It's celebrated in Boston, where my work has an office, so of course we had to celebrate, too...by not going to work. I decided months ago that Gus and I would have a 'day', doing things we don't normally have the time to do. I decided to show Gus my old 'hood, Hyde Park. Hyde Park is where I moved to when I came to Chicago in '98. Hey, almost six years ago? So hard to believe. We went for breakfast with lovely Amy right around the corner from my old apartment and caught up on months of life. We then went down to the lab and met up with some other friends...it has been so long! It doesn't feel like it has been over a year or more since I've seen most people, but it's true. Here are the lab ladies (Amy, Susan, Melissa, Sarah, and Martha was in the background) oohing and ahhing... I've missed you guys. They were all too busy playing with Gus to smile and look at the camera. Gus was talking all the girls up...


Gus and I then went to meet up with Christin, Andy and new baby Theo! Theo was born on his mama's birthday, just five minutes before her own birth time. What are the odds of that statistically? He is the cutest, most expressive litte thing. Holding him was like holding a feather after having Gus in my arms. Theo is just a month old, about half of Gus' current weight. It made me appreciate just how much growing Gus has done. Christin was the first new friend I had made in Chicago when I moved here. We were neighbors and in the same program for grad school, as was Andy...so it was quite surreal to suddenly walk towards each other, both with babies in the Bjorn carriers strapped to our chests. We have babies? We're moms? Lunch was a happy time. Happy to catch up with Christin and Andy, happy to snuggle with Theo, happy to introduce Gus to more good peeps.

Sweetest thing ever? Ah, reach out and touch someone, Gus.




Posted by janna at April 21, 2004 11:19 PM