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April 05, 2004

There's so much to love

Will we ever not be in awe of Gus? I find myself going back in this blog, reading the entries that I typed months and months ago but feeling like I'm reading about a stranger today. Did he really come out of me? Do we really get to have him in our lives? Despite the moments where I feel overwhelmed and anxious, I count myself lucky to have these days with Gus and John and remembering that makes most stuff inconsequential. Perspective. Keep it all in perspective. How do you not worry, though? I have found that this past week I have all these little worries that creep up. I fight an inner battle, afraid that if I truly voice all of these worries I will be consumed by them and they will, in turn, impact how I live. I don't want Gus to grow up with a cloud of worry about him. I want him to grow to understand cause and effect but not feel burdened with concern. How do you do that?

Our little guy is, umm, not so little anymore! We went to visit Abby and Michelle last week. Abby is exactly a month older than Gus...and look at them now.


They were holding hands all on their own, no mother intervention.


Posted by janna at April 5, 2004 10:50 PM