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April 04, 2004

Last week's Iowa trip

How fast the week has gone!

Here are the pics from our Iowa trip (lot's of pics, this will be long!). I'll mostly let the pictures speak for themselves... I loved going to see friends and family now as a mom. It was fun to share Gus with everyone.

First we went to Anji's home and spent Friday afternoon chatting, playing with Maegan and napping. Bliss!

Maegan held her arms out and said, Baby? Anji would get her to sit on the ground. The minute Anji would start to bring Gus to Maegan, she would stand up. It was adorable!



We had dinner and fun times over at Han's and Lisa's house. Ivan is the sweetest little boy, he's almost four, who claims he doesn't have a heart...he has a MAGIC heart. Ivan is expecting a new baby brother or sister any day now (we think boy!).




Gus also met Lauri, but I didn't take a picture, argh.

Saturday morning we went two hours further west to Washington, Iowa to visit my grandmother who is in a nursing home. There we met my mom, my uncle Ken and my uncle Jim and aunt Pat. It had been a really long time since I had seen my Grandma, over a year. We were actually on our way to see her the weekend after I found out I started bedrest, so that was a huge disappointment. It's always bittersweet to see her as she has Alzheimer's. I miss her. I'm also sad we didn't get a picture of Gus with my aunt Deb. Next time we'll have twenty of them!

Grandma Shirley and Gus. Gus loves her, and loves watching her sign to him!



Gus with Pat


My Grandma with three of her kids...my Mom, Ken and Jim.



Four generations!


Sunday morning we had a little sing-a-long, so fun!

Jim with his banjo he doesn't know how to play...yet!


Ken with his guitar


Gus with my cousin, Kersten


Gus with my cousin, Alex





Funniest moment of the weekend: John was setting up Gustav's pack-and-play, where he sleeps when we're on the road. We were staying in Ken and Deb's room (thanks for letting us have the space!) and John had assembled it against a wall. As he was trying to move it closer to the bed, he pulled it along the wall. Once we got it closer, we noticed a large black scratch on the wall. Oh my, how embarassing! Once we confessed to Ken and Deb, we found out that it had already been there, from their old TV stand. What are the odds...

PS. Yesterday, the 3rd, would have been my Dad's birthday. I wish Gus could have met him and I wish I would have known him more. I often see my Dad's face in Gus, it's wild.

Posted by janna at April 4, 2004 10:37 AM