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April 06, 2004

Four months old

Gus has been with us four months, so hard to believe. Right now he is just wearing a onesie since it is so warm out, a huge difference to the layer upon layer of clothing and blanket strewn on him for the first months of his life. Today he ate the most he has ever eaten while at daycare, 18 ounces. I'll be pumping 'til the cows come home (pun intended, if it is a pun at all!). Right now I have to pump five times in order to get enough, but I feel once solids are started it will be a bit easier. I don't think he's ready for solids...or I'm not ready for him to be ready yet. We'll see. This morning at work I was putting my pumping equipment in a sterilization bag you can microwave (so wonderful). A gentleman looks over at me placing the bag in and says, "Popcorn for breakfast?"

How do you tell the guy without embarassing him?

Here's Gus showing off his favorite activity, hand sucking. His teeth are coming out a little bit more and I'm wondering if some more are making their move. No sightings yet.





So, happy four months, Gus. It's been the best four months of our lives.

Posted by janna at April 6, 2004 06:16 PM


Looks to me like Gus may be a little left hander!?? (Or a BIG left hander!) WOO HOO!

Posted by: Kristi at April 7, 2004 09:49 PM