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April 01, 2004


Wow. This week has been chalk full of firsts, with two happening tonight. First, some background information. Last night was a rough night in the DeVylder household. Gus was up pretty much every hour last night (that doesn't seem like an exaggeration at all), sucking on his fists. Loudly. We felt he had been teething for the past few days, but yesterday was particularly bad. Around five this morning, I went and found the 'What to Expect' book for the first year of life and read about how babes can teeth for months before anything shows. Gus had gone through a big drooling/sucking phase around two months old, too, so I figured it will just come and go until he's about 6-8 months old.


Tonight, I kid you not, while getting Gus ready for a bath, I was making him smile. Big smiles. And there THEY were. TWO. Yes, TWO teeth. And even more bizarre? Not even the ones that I thought were supposed to come in first. Yesterday I was feeling around the front of his mouth to see if I could feel anything. Nothing. The two are on the top, opposite each other, kind of where perhaps an incisor would be, but they seem a bit more back than that. Huh??? Anybody know about early teeth?

And Gus laughed tonight. All I had to do was say kick, kick, kick in an obnoxiously high voice and it got him. Such an easy crowd!

And the roll over! This past weekend (which I'll get to after this), when we were at our friend Anji's home, Gus was just rolling from his back to his left side over and over and over again. When we were at my Aunt Deb & Uncle Ken's house, he did go all the way to his belly and got his hand out...with the help of Grandma Shirley. But yesterday morning he went from his back to his side to his belly all by himself! Okay, so his left arm was pinned under him, but he worked at it for a long time and didn't fuss. We finally pulled it out for him.

He's growing, he's growing!

We went to see Michelle and Abby this evening. Abby is the neighbor girl who is one month older than Gus. Yep, Gus is bigger than her. (!) I have pictures, but I left my camera there...

Posted by janna at April 1, 2004 07:56 PM


Okay, Gus, I know it is April fools day and your mom could be pulling our legs, however, early teeth in exactly the location she described really do happen! Now don't be surprised if they kind of disappear for a short time, sometimes that happens too! I know at least two babies (4 & 5 months old) who really did get insisors first. Isn't that ccol? Sorry to hear you have had a fussy night or two since your return. It sounds like you are making up for it now with those belly laughs. I have to say, Gus, you were such a laid back little guy during your short visit here. With all of the dogs, cats, people, guitars, banjos, bad jokes, and craziness in general, you just seemed as though you were one of the gang and this was all normal behavior and activity! I am looking forward to spending time with you again soon. Maybe this time we will come and see you! Take care and keep me posted on those teeth, buddy. Love you. Aunt Deb (the good one :))

Posted by: Aunt Deb at April 2, 2004 05:33 AM

PS, Janna, you really are a mom now....You actually used the phrase "I kid you not" Welcome. Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at April 2, 2004 09:45 PM