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October 07, 2003

We've made it to week 29!

Today is another Tuesday to celebrate...we're officially 29 weeks today. We're so thankful. Tomorrow is our weekly doctor's appointment, so hopefully everything is going as planned. He's probably almost 14 inches head to toe, so hard to believe. (okay, maybe not for someone looking at me, but I can't imagine how he's fitting inside of me)

I think I've been on bedrest now for just about five weeks. Hard to believe. It's gone both fast and slow. Thinking forward from the start, it seemed like December was so far away. It still feels that way, actually. But looking back to see five weeks gone, I'm amazed. hard to believe that we'll be parents soon. It seems like we spend so much time thinking about being pregnant and keeping baby in, but it's now starting to sink in that we should also think about being parents! I'm so excited about it, but I'll admit I'm nervous too.

Posted by janna at October 7, 2003 08:20 PM