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October 06, 2003

I spoke too soon...

I kept telling people that Baby D was on the same sleep schedule as me. Isn't it great, I'd say, he sleeps when I sleep, is awake when I'm awake. I secretly, or not so secretly, hoped this was a sign of how things would be once he was out in the open. Ummm. Yeah. No. Last night was hopefully an exception to the rule, but oh my, was he wide awake and waking me up. Kick, flip...flip....flip....breakdancer? Karate? Not sure, but it was amazing how many times I was kicked awake in the night. I willed him to sleep, but it did no good. I just figure this is practice for reality as we'll know it in a few months. Tonight will prove if it's a pattern!

Here's a picture of the belly from about four days ago...see the new cradle to the right? It's in our room now. It's eerie to have an empty cradle, just waiting to be filled. I don't think we can even imagine Baby D in it yet.


Posted by janna at October 6, 2003 10:12 PM