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October 08, 2003

Weekly Appointment

We went in for our weekly appointment today. Things seem pretty stable. Pam, our OB, is still counting on me to tell her when things are changing (ie. more contractions than 'normal'). My growth is measuring right on schedule, but now she wants to make sure that Baby D is growing at the right rate. We'll have an ultrasound next Wednesday, on the 15th, to check for that. On the 17th we'll be going out to another hospital to have a special ultrasound that checks the growth and development of Baby D's heart. It's called a fetal echo...we had one done at the end of August, and everything looked really good with his heart. What she couldn't quite see clearly were his valves, so now that he's a bit bigger she wants to check out his valves to make sure they're okay. Since I have a heart murmur and an interestingly shaped aeortic valve, there's a higher chance that Baby D will also have something with his heart, although the chance is still very low. We feel very good about the whole thing as we are, at this point, about 95% certain nothing is wrong. Good news!

I'll post new pictures of our son next week! I'm sure he still has his parents' wide forehead. There's no escaping it, Baby D. It's gonna be a big one...

Posted by janna at October 8, 2003 09:00 AM