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November 09, 2006

A day of firsts

I can't believe it!

First, Gustav talked the entire ride home. Unimpressive, you think? Not if you knew that it's the first time it's ever happened. I pepper that kid with questions all the way home, avoiding as many yes/no questions just to hear him talk. I didn't ask ONE probing question. I was soaking up every second of it.

Then....THEN... flash forward to dinner. I'm feeding Eli sweet potatoes. He keeps reaching for the little baby fork I'm using, so I finally give it to him with food on it. He stuck it in his mouth, took the food off, then pulled it back out. I took it, put food on it again, gave it to him, and he fed himself again. And again. And again. And again.

But WAIT, there's more. Then I take Eli in the bathroom to wash his face off, and as we're standing in front of the mirror looking at ourselves, I start saying "Hi" to him....and he starts waving his arm. Then he stops. So I start saying Hi again and also wave at him. Then he waves back. And we keep doing it, again, and again, and again.

And as if that wasn't exciting enough, today was the first time in Gustav's little life that he let us brush his teeth both this morning and this evening without crying. We started using a chart today, with stickers for each time he brushes, and it totally worked. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

(Another first? Today was the first time in our six years together that John and I both forgot that today is our anniversary of the beginning of us...are we so busy and caught up in our lives that we've overlooked such an awesome day?)

Posted by janna at November 9, 2006 10:29 PM


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