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October 09, 2006

On his way up

On his way up, originally uploaded by jannacybill.

Elias is now seven and a half months old now. That's supposed to still be a wee little baby. But no. For Eli, that means he has every right to just push himself up to sitting. It's just within the past few days that he's done it ALL THE WAY up, sitting without leaning on anything. He did it twice yesterday without pulling on a table or chair to help. It is so unexpected to see Eli on such a different plane.

His successes yesterday seemed to encourage him to have yet another 'first'...

Ladies and gentleman, Eli successfully projected himself forward on the ground. For the past month he has been perfecting the backward semi-commando crawl, and he can roll and inch his way pretty much anywhere in a room now. He usually ends up under tables and chairs and couches. But today, the breakthrough. He started to use his foot to push off the floor.

We are in trouble. Methinks baby proofing is on our calendar this week.

Here's a look for Grampa

Posted by janna at October 9, 2006 11:35 PM


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