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April 08, 2006


Gustav's first six-syllable word

John was reading the Chicago Tribune online when he came across a picture of Judy Baar Topinka, the republican gubernatorial candidate in Illinois. It was a picture of her with her dogs, so John pointed it out to Gus.

Here's the closed captioned version of the audio file:

(Zeppo squeaking her hedgehog in the background)
John: Gubernatorial?
Gus: Guber-toryal
John: Say it again?
Gus: EEEeeeeee!
John: oooohhhhh!
Gus: Ah booboobooboo
John: Gubernatorial?
Gus: (in big dinosaur voice) Gu...ber...tor........yal...............YES!
John: (laughing) Yes...

Posted by janna at April 8, 2006 10:58 PM


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