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January 29, 2006

What's 9 weeks between a Mama and a baby?

That was easy.
A piece of cake.

The paper chain is gone.
I took a shower today without timing myself.
I walk up and down the stairs with a wee bit faster clip.
I went out for brunch this morning.
I walked to the car.
I did some laundry last night.
I folded clothes standing up.

I don't think I've ever been so tired during this pregnancy as I feel right now. It's not taking much activity to wipe me out, so as far as my big plans to do big things? Eh, probably not.

John and I are taking the day off tomorrow. The original plan was to go to a movie, go get my haircut, have a nice lunch...but there are no movies that I want to see. I don't want to sit in a theatre for two hours or more if I'm not excited about the movie. I want to get my haircut, but so many places are closed on Mondays.

What is life trying to tell me?

At the doctor's appointment last Thursday, I was one cm dialated (only 9 more to go!) but my cervix wasn't any shorter or thinner. Now it's the waiting game. When will it happen? Where will I be? The great big unknown.

The most glamourous experience of my preganancy happened after Thursday's appointment. Apparently I had protein in my urine. (ooh, gentle reader, read on! it's fascinating.) See, silly old me did'nt drink anything before my 10 am appointment. And the night before was kind of dry. So my doctor said she needed to do a 24 hour test on me.

As I was waiting for my 'prescription', the office manager said that I would have to collect my urine for 24 hours.

I knew she had to be kidding, right? Ha, ha....??

Oh no.

Off I went to collect a lovely 'jug' that would reside in my, umm, refridgerator for 24 hours. (You're all welcome to come over for dinner anytime.)

That collection experience tops even the three-hour glucose test.


Posted by janna at January 29, 2006 01:52 PM


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