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January 31, 2006

I've seen the world... now where's my couch?

I'm done.

Yesterday John and I took the day off and had a total date day. After a breakfast of bignets and chicory coffee, a haircut and eybrow wax, a lunch at Fox & Obel, an afternoon matinee (Walk the Line), a wee bit of shopping topped with hot chocolate, I was exhilirated. I felt awesome. John thought it was the hot chocolate; I call it being high on living a public life.

I woke up this morning all excited. Today was the day that I had planned on for months. I was going into work. People, I fixed my hair. Eyeshadow was used; MASCARA came out of the cabinet. I even wore lipstick. Deoderant. I didn't wear comfy pants today. Jewelry! We dropped Gus off and into the city I went. I haven't been to work since November.

I walked in with ten minutes to spare. I was then covered in meetings, from nine until I left. Before I got there, I was trying to convince John that I should go into work tomorrow, too. He was far from convinced, I was cocky as all get out. Come on, it's a great idea. I finally conceded that we should talk about it at the end of the day, see how it goes.

I'm not going back to work. I'm working from home until the end. I was bragging that I had no contractions... until the afternoon....and it was then that I really conceded that I was silly, silly, silly, and that my couch beckoned. It was awesome to see everyone that I had been working with remotely. It felt great to feel normal for those few hours. But really, in the end, John doesn't need to be figuring out how to get me to Oak Park once my water breaks. He just needs to worry about getting himself to Oak Park when my water breaks.

It's just good sense, and thank goodness at least one of us has it... so I'm slow at getting it, sue me.

Posted by janna at January 31, 2006 08:03 PM


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