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September 29, 2005

No, Mama.

We're driving to daycare this morning, same as we do every weekday. John is driving so I take the opportunity every so often to glance back at Gus, whose seat is right behind mine. I like watching him look out the window, taking it all in.

So there I am, staring at him as he stares out the window quietly.

Gus realizes that I'm watching him. "No, Mama," he says as he shakes his head.

I turn around. No, he couldn't possibly be telling me to NOT look at him, right?

A few minutes later I look back at him.

"NO, Mama, no," this time shaking his head more than once because I obviously did not get the message.

Now, I want to respect Gus and not pester the boy, but wait just a minute! You're not 14 yet, you can't already be wanting me to leave you alone!

I have to put my foot down....well, quietly. I'll just try to watch him through the mirror, or at least not let him catch me watching him. Why do I have a feeling that will be true for many years to come?

I love him so...

Posted by janna at September 29, 2005 09:01 PM


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