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June 15, 2005

Please, may I have another?


For such a little boy, he really had a meal tonight.
We had breakfast for dinner... scrambled eggs, toast, yumminess. Gus was finishing up a little bit of peanut butter toast (another obsession, so much so he signs peanut butter, knows where it is in the cabinet, and even helped spread it on his own bread), then I brought him some eggs. Just a little, I figured he wouldn't eat much after the toast.

Gus was sitting at his little table. I put the plate in front of him. Suddenly, the machine turned on. Gus was no longer Gus, he was a vacuum. Ten little pieces of egg suddenly were stuffed, one quickly after another, stored into those scrumptuous cheeks of his.

He looked at me, mouth full, nodding his head, signing, 'MORE'.


Brought back another plate.


Another plate.


Another plate (ok, I should be fair, this was about 8 little pieces of egg at a time, that's usually all I can get into him for dinner sometimes, it wasn't like he was eating the 'big man dinner' from denny's or anything like that).

He usually only asks more more cookies or crackers, I can't deny the boy eggs...

...although the one time he asked for more broccoli brought such giddy joy to my heart...

Posted by janna at June 15, 2005 09:33 PM


Get your purse out and your shopping shoes ready Mom, we are going to be buying some bigger / longer clothes for that boy! He must be in a growth cycle right now. (or at least that is what everyone always told me when my kids had a huge increase in appetite or required a longer nap or sleep time, and, they were usually right!) Way to go, Gustav. I am also addicted to that fabulous peanut butter and toast combination. how cute!

Posted by: Aunt Deb at June 16, 2005 10:34 AM

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