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June 07, 2005

"Hi, Ashley"

I have a picture of my cousin, Ashley, on our piano. A week or so ago I noticed Gus was smiling and staring at her picture...it's no wonder, she's blonde and young and beautiful!

"Say HI to Ashley, Gus."


Flash forward to yesterday. Gus was playing the piano (ok, pounding ON the piano). It was time to change his diaper, so I picked him up. Oh, he was not happy. As I put him down to change him, I asked him what was wrong.


"You want to say hi to Ashley?"

So now, everytime Gus goes by the piano, he plays a little diddy for Ashley.

To add to the cuteness, Gus noticed that I was pressing on the pedals with my feet as I was playing. He crawled under the bench, moved my foot, contorted his body and attempted to place his own feet on the pedals. I have to say it was so cute it brought tears to my eyes.

I just love him so.

Gus definitely likes warning...he balks at the unexpected. Often there is a sequence of events that needs to occur before the 'fun' can begin, such as shoes and socks on before we go outside or diapers and pjs need to be on before we read books. I find if I tell him what the end goal is, and what we have to do first before we can get to that, he chills out a bit. It doesn't mean he doesn't think I'm slower than a tortoise, but at least he is starting to understand the concept of prerequisites. This method has really cut down on his frustration level, and makes me feel like I'm treating him with more respect. I mean, it must be very disconcerting to be doing one activity, suddenly to be snatched up and moved away, put on a table with no explanation, stripped of clothes, wiped with a cold wet cloth, re-wrapped up in diaper, all without a word of warning. Hell, I'd be angry, too!

Posted by janna at June 7, 2005 10:41 PM


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