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June 12, 2005

He would go for walks forever if he could

Yesterday we set out for the three-mile, round-trip walk to the farmer's market. We have two Gus-mobile choices: the stroller or the wagon. Now, the wagon is much more "buy-lots-of-stuff-and-haul-it-back-home" friendly, but the stroller is much more nap friendly (nothing like seeing a kid slumped over in a wagon to think twice about using it for long hauls). The stroller it was.

Zeppo in tow, we were off. Gus wore his sunglasses and hat ocasionally. When his hat would fall off he would attempt to put it back on, often putting it folded in half on his head. If you stoped walking for any period of time, he would say/sign: MORE! So demanding, okay, okay...

We arrive at the market, with Gus still wide awake. This is when we thought we were in for another one of those "I'm falling asleep RIGHT before we get home" trips. We chat with neighbors, buy purple asparagus and corn-fed beef and just-picked strawberries, and head back out. And what do you know. Gus falls asleep a mere four blocks from home.

Rather than taking him out of the stroller, we quietly brought the stroller inside. There he slept for another hour while I obsessively played chess (and lost) for a spell of time (damn computer never lets me win).

After Gus woke up, I took him out of the stroller, as any mother would do. Fury. That is what I felt from Gus. If he could only have verbally explained how he felt, he would have said something like this: "How DARE you remove me from my royal throne, you seriously just like inflicting insult, I WILL go outside, I WILL go for another walk, and you WILL push me, so help me or I will bite this rug so many times my new molars(TWO!)will fall out."

So I put him back in, why not. And there he sat, cracker in hand. He was happy. I was happy.

And when he's happy these days, he is beaming. I look at him and feel the joy oozing from the core of his being.

Posted by janna at June 12, 2005 09:25 PM


Gus, Gus, Gus.... Your Mommy still hasn't figured out that you have been trying to stay awake until you get home so that you can just omit that issue of transitioning to an outside option. Unfortunately, you hold up really well until just before you arrive and then to wake up in a different venue with the entire walk option deleted, why, there is no excuse for it! What you need to figure out is that all you have to do is look up at her with those big beautiful eyes and bat those lashes and put your open hand on your shoulder and pat it (the old fashioned outside sign) and then the "please" sign should do it. You try that and let your aunt deb know how it worked for you. You are a hoot, Gustav! love you, Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at June 13, 2005 08:10 AM

I just read your latest blog. It brought tears to my eyes, reading of your devotion to your child, and your awe and wonder in all his discoveries, emotions, and just his being. The joy that motherhood has brought to you should be the standard by which all mothers should ahere. I wish it was. He is a blessed child to have the parents he has. The laundry can wait - there's a child to grow! I am so happy you are in our family. Love and a hug - Mary

Posted by: Auntie Mary at June 13, 2005 09:32 PM

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