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June 18, 2005

Happy Father's Day


John, you are an amazing dad. Gus is so very lucky to have you to look up to. Do you notice how Gus watches you, mimics you, asks for you, is utterly sad when you leave (even if it's just going to the basement to get socks)? Did you know that everytime we drive by the train tracks he asks for you? Did you know that he is a mirror of you? Every kid deserves a dad like you, too bad our house isn't big enough for all of them.

Paul, thank you for raising John to be so loving and caring. You did good.


To my dad, I wish we could have had a couple more father's days together. I can only imagine what fun we would have had together.

To my Mom, thanks for taking on the job of two parents, I love you.


Posted by janna at June 18, 2005 10:27 PM


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, JOHN! Isn't it the best thing you have ever done? (and the hardest) I have to second your wifes comments after watching you with your son. It is obvious that you are an equal parent. I see more and more of your physical features in Gus with each new picture. (especially in the DeVylder woods playhouse pictures) I am still in awe of what a great match you and Janna are. Have a great day with your family, John, you deserve it. Janna, acknowledging your mother today made me smile because I thought I was the only person I know that really thinks about how great my single parent is. I always get her a father's day present of some sort. Good for you! Shirley has worn both hats very well and you are living proof of her success. Happy Father's day to Shirley too! Love to you all. do something fun today! Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at June 19, 2005 08:28 AM

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