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September 10, 2004

If we didn't know already...

it's time to baby proof. Pronto. Gus has been able to push himself around, mainly backwards. A backwards commando push crawly action. Tonight was a different story. Gus set his sites on something in the distance and did a commando crawl forward, first by pushing off the ground with his toes and then, simultaneously, pulling a leg slightly under him, off of which he would push and move his body. Gus made a straight line, at least three feet, in less than 20 seconds. As a rational being, I understand that three feet in 20 seconds is not super fast. I also understand that this is only the beginning, that whole rooms will be transversed in the blink of an eye; that some tiny itty bitty object that I dropped on the floor will be picked up; that Gus will not stay in the confines of our 8 X 10 rug (damn, damn...).

In other words, Gus is growing up, and I've gotta say, he's amazing.

Gustav's personality is exploding in all its happy glory. The kid loves to smile and he does it well. He knows full well his smile will elicit a smile from a stranger and it just encourages him more. The other day we were at Walgreens, waiting to pick up our pills (we're both on antibiotics for gross and productive coughs... in other words, bronchitis!). Gus turned on the charm for the lady sitting next to us. She giggled and smiled back...mission accomplished. I told her that I hope he's this happy when he's 14. I hope he's not quiet, sullen and hating me, tee hee.

We're now struggling with the whole finger food business. Tonight John scrambled an egg with some mashed green beans, and Gus went WILD. Gus had something to say about it. I'll put a video up soon.

Gus can also sometimes pull himself up to a stand... when he's sitting in the laundry basket. He's not in it all the time. Really.


Here's Gus with Kye and Alex. Welcome back, Alex! We're glad you're back in Chicago.


Posted by janna at September 10, 2004 10:37 PM