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September 06, 2004

I know what I want, dammit.

Gustav is nine months old today!

In case you were thinking of trying to give Gus some kind of mushy baby food... oh silly you. 'I'm not a BABY, thank you!' is the answer you will get. (I translated that... what Gus does is cry, shake his head back and forth and outright refuse to put that green mushy CRAP in his mouth). Now, if it's yogurt, it's a different story (and he knows the package, you have to hide it until you're absolutely ready to give it to him). Finger foods are the name of the game these days, and Gus prefers if it comes from our plates. Gone are the days of trying to get the sole Cheerio in the mouth; now his precision is astonishing.

Posted by janna at September 6, 2004 07:24 PM