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April 14, 2004

He keeps growing and growing...

Gustav had a great doctor's appointment today.

Drum roll, please:

14 lbs, 14 oz!
25 1/2 inches!

He's in the 75th percentile for both, our little (or big) overachiever...

Gus will be starting cereal tomorrow morning. I have mixed feelings about it. A little sad since I can't solely nurish him anymore, I just can't keep up. Excited because we will be helping Gus learn how to eat, how amazing!

We went for a walk this evening, no coats. Such a relief to have warm air on our skin. Gus wore a hat to keep the sun from burning his head, smile. He may or may not be a redhead and he may not have my skin type, but by God I'm going to try to have him not burn like I did when I was a kid! Well, all I have to do is think sun and I burn...


Posted by janna at April 14, 2004 09:41 PM