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April 13, 2004

Blue Hair?!

Ok, so Gus has lost some hair.

A lot of hair.

When and where and why it went are a mystery to me, but you can look back in pics and notice that Gus went from virtual five-year old, full head of hair at birth to male pattern baldness over a matter of weeks. This is obviously an obsession for me, as I rub his head, trying to will the beautiful locks back. His hair was becoming more and more red, can you blame me? It is growing back, he has about half an inch of fuzz in most places, enough long locks up top for a proper comb over. Before anyone worries about me obsessing, please know that I know baby hair often falls out and obviously comes back, but looking at Gus is like looking at a different baby now, he's so big and, well, bald.

But the blue hair...all I really remember about my dream last night is that Gus had a thick, thick, two-inch carpet-thick mop of blue and black hair on his head. It was amazing. I specifically remember thinking, wow, it really makes his eyes look blue! It doesn't help that he was the youngest of three children I had in the dream (the whole lot had blue hair). John thought maybe I was having a premonition of what Gus would look like at 14. I love it.

Let's look back...Gus was four days old here. Look at that hair! The socks were knee-highs then and now they barely stay on his ankles. That was a newborn onesie, and now he's starting to bust out of his 3-6 month clothes! The peanut is growing!


Tomorrow is Gus' four month check up. We'll be discussing starting solids, which may need to happen, oh, tomorrow. Gus' daycare asked me if I could bring just one more ounce of milk to satisfy Gus during the day. That's 19 oz. I was having a hard enough time with 18. I feel like someone is going to find me shriveled up like a raisin attached to these pumps, ai yi yi....

My predictions are:

15 lbs (he was 13 last time), 25 inches

Off to sleep...

Posted by janna at April 13, 2004 11:11 PM