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December 30, 2003

Was it the chocolate?

Gustav had an excellent night last night, sleeping from 12:30 to 5:30, and then from 6:30 to 9:15...I am in such a better place after that sleep and he seems to be, too. While I do think he is still trying to stack a bunch of feedings at night, he didn't seem as fussy or gassy last night. I cut out *most* of the chocolate that I had been eating (ah, the holidays), so I'm wondering if that is helping. I'll avoid it again today and maybe introduce it some other day. I have such a sweet tooth, so bad. Gus woke up in a very good mood today and is very alert and happy right now.

We took a trip to the city last night to visit Seth, Monica and Evelyn. Eveyln is three months old and will be a fantastic friend for Gus. It was so amazing to see how much Evie has changed in such a short period of time. I'm in awe! I can't imagine what Gus will look like at three months. It's so exciting to watch!

Gustav is a boy on the go (it helps that his bedrest Mama feels the need to escape after three months at home!). Tonight we're going to pick up John after work and go to the Museum of Contemporary Art and take advantage of their free night...thank goodness Gus likes the car (except when he's hungry, of course, which seems to be every hour this morning for some reason).

Here's a pic from a few minutes ago...


Posted by janna at December 30, 2003 11:47 AM