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December 30, 2003

John & Gus' first bottle!

Tonight John gave Gus his first bottle, the first step to getting Gus used to taking a bottle of breastmilk while at daycare, and get me used to pumping. It was so precious to see John feeding Gus...see for yourself. Gus was a bit confused at first, but caught on rather quickly. I don't think he's ever eaten so fast in his little life! He slept for two hours after that!


Zeppo found it all very exciting! (Zeppo is our friend Lynda's goddog, and she remarked that there was a conspicuous lack of Zeppo pictures, and she is right...) Zeppo now knows Gus' name and looks at him when we ask, "Where's Gus?" She was quite anxious when we first brought Gustav home, but that seems to have eased. She does whine sometimes when Gus really wails and screams. It will be interesting to see what she does when Gus is mobile... herd him??


Posted by janna at December 30, 2003 10:00 PM