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December 16, 2003

John, you're truly a papa now.

Oh, if only you could capture these moments on film...

Are you ready for a poopy story? (does this officially make me an embarassing mom?)

Here's the scene: I decide to hold Gus in a sitting position, facing out from me. We're in the bathroom, John and I are looking at him in the mirror. He seems so happy, and it wasn't by the smile on his face, it was by the toots he was making. Relief...who wouldn't be relieved? We then realize that something has penetrated the diaper barrier. Okay, nothing totally new. John takes Gus to change his diaper. I hear an "Oh my!" It appears that by holding him in said position his poop managed to miss his diaper pretty much completely but hit the rest of his back pretty much straight on. (do you want to read more?? tee hee) We go into 'bath' mode at this point as no wipes will do. John somehow manages to get Gus out of his clothes without making matters worse for Gus (but John's tshirt and hands were well christened). We get him by the sink so we can sponge him off there. Gus is naked at this point, and John says, I'm just waiting for him to pee on me. Your wish is his command. All the way down John's tshirt... And can I just add that during all of this madness, little Gus just looked about, no crying, just let us clean him without a fuss?

In other news, Gus now has his first xmas tree (ours, too, as a couple)...just a potted norfolk pine, but it fits us perfectly right now.

Here's a shot of Gus after a hair washing, his favorite. He goes into some kind of calm, meditative state. I wish that for all of us...


Gus sleeping on his puppy throw...


Posted by janna at December 16, 2003 01:51 PM


Loved the one of Gus with the doggie. Maegan has the same ducky flannel blankets. Go, Gramma Cheryl!

:) happy happy, you all.
love, anji

Posted by: Anji at December 27, 2003 08:57 PM