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December 14, 2003

Gus is a week old...

It's hard to believe it's only been a week since Gus was born. It feels like we've always had him, except now I look around our house and there are signs of baby everywhere...diapers on the dining room table, burp cloths on the couch. Not to mention the load of baby laundry we do a day. I blame us mostly for that. John and I are still learning the art of diapering. The one time I decided to change Gus on the couch, he pooped the minute I took his diaper off. Thankfully his blanket was under him. We are christened by this child in so many ways, I love it.

Gus is much more alert than he was after he was born, I guess that's to be expected. When he is awake, he is very observant and quiet, just looking around, taking it all in. When he is fussy, which isn't really fussy and doesn't last for long (knock on wood), you simply have to talk to him and it seems to soothe him. Or, feed him. Yeah, he likes that a lot, the food part. Thankfully he seems to be on the three or four hour plan. Once he gets to Cafe Mama, he is ready and we are thankful that it's working out.

John and I are certainly in full parental swing, with anxiety rearing it's ugly head in little ways. John and I wake up in the night, separately, thinking Gus is in the bed with us, lifting up pillows, trying to find him. A whimper comes from the cradle... is he spitting up? We still manage to laugh a lot, even at 3 am, especially at ourselves and our own silliness.

My mom and I have been pretty sick this past week with fevers, mucousy coughing, just generally lousy. Now that we have some antibiotics, we are feeling a lot better. I'm looking forward to being a mom off of medication. Gus seems to be doing well despite it all, such a relief.

Here we are...


Posted by janna at December 14, 2003 12:16 PM


hello! thanks for keep us posted on gus with your full schedule. he is such a little cutie pie! look at that thick hair!! (evie is starting to lose hers in patches...). it sounds like things are going well. a strong sleeper and feeder. good boy!! we can't wait to meet him! :)

hope everyone feels better soon!!

monica, seth and evelyn

fyi...occassionally i'll have a mini-anxiety attack in the middle of the night, searching the bed for evelyn...when she's sleeping soundly in her car seat (we wish it were her crib or bassinet, but we're not quite there yet!)

Posted by: monica at December 15, 2003 03:21 PM

Janna!! You have such a beautiful baby!! I was just surfing around on the web (it's past 3 a.m. Tokyo time) and I came across your Baby Days blog. I had heard from Melissa at one point that you might be pregnant, but I had no idea that everything happened so fast! Congratulations to you and John. And welcome to Baby Gus! It's so wonderful to be able to see the whole story from start to finish (well, actually it's not finished, it's just the beginning I guess...) I'm sorry I've been out of touch for so long, but I'm glad I got a little peak into your lives tonight. :-) Love, Shana

Posted by: Shana at December 16, 2003 12:19 PM