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December 02, 2003

37 weeks...come on, Baby D!

We've worked so hard at keeping Baby D inside, and now he is not ready to come out. Or let's say, he's in no hurry to make an entrance. Who can blame him? This week has been a big growing week for the little one, and for me, too. I can feel his shape much more now, and he only has very little time to move between contractions.

We went to the hospital on Sunday night since I was experiencing contractions pretty regularly and then with more intensity. We were on the monitor for about an hour, saw what a REAL contraction looks like (previously our contractions were little bumps...now they were mountains!). The contractions weren't progressing the dilation, so they sent us home. I was so glad to go home that night. I really wanted a good night of sleep, some dinner, some relaxation.

When we got home, Mom was sitting on the couch. She had decided to stay an extra day to see how things were progressing. I bet she was a bit disappointed when I walked through that door. Smile.

Now we wait...we will go to the hospital only if my water breaks or we have contractions every five minutes and I can't talk through them. I'm still talking...we'll see tomorrow!

Posted by janna at December 2, 2003 10:53 PM