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October 12, 2003

I felt like I was running the marathon

Even though I was positioned soundly on the couch, as usual, I felt like I was right with John, Mom, Sue & Kyle as they wound their way through the marathon course in search of Mike and Kristi. With every phone call I was pulled into the cheering surrounding the marathon path. John took the crew to mile 4, 11, 19 (in Pilsen) and the finish line. I was able to track Mike & Kristi by searching for their registry number online. They had a little chip that they attached to their shoes. At certain points of the race, they would run over a time checker that would then keep track of their pace and their times.

Here they are at the end of the race...I believe the first thing Mike said was, "I don't think we'll do that again."


Here's Mom and John among the beautiful fall trees...


Posted by janna at October 12, 2003 05:00 PM