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October 11, 2003

A beautiful day to cheat

Saturday was such a beautiful fall day. We had a full house...Sue and her son, Kyle, her other son Mike and his girlfriend Kristi. They brought their dog along, Sadie. Mike and Kristi were going to be running the marathon on Sunday, so Saturday was all about relaxing, eating good food, and getting to bed early.

Mom had decided that this weekend would be my early birthday celebration with her in town. With that in mind, it gave me perfect opportunity to cheat. Mom wanted to treat me to a haircut, so off we went to downtown Oak Park, to a new salon, to get a much-needed trim. To mix things up a bit, the woman straightened my hair with a hair iron. I felt so strange and different!

The rest of the day was spent deciding a birthday/marathon dinner. Kristi's parents arrived, grocery shopping was done, lounging, reading, until the wonderful chaos of cooking ensued. Here's John and I at the table:


It was an amazing meal, full of pasta, bruschetta, and 'Death by Chocolate' cake!

John and I spent the rest of the night reliving the beginning moments of our relationship for Mom and Sue. While we may have remembered details differently, the ultimate ending was definitely the same. We should really write it all down, it's a great story.

Posted by janna at October 11, 2003 11:04 PM


I love your hair! You look so pretty pregnant. Nice to hear you are cheating a little bit. Everyone needs that. Take care

Posted by: deb at October 14, 2003 08:32 AM

Glad we cheated. It's a good cheat, I'd say! It's a great birthday present, cheating and all that.

Posted by: MOM at October 14, 2003 01:36 PM