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December 06, 2007

Dear Mr. Four-Year-Old

Am I going to be 'that Mom' that recounts her birthing experience on every birthday for the rest of eternity? I'll spare you the details, Gus, but just know that I still process that day, that it still is shocking and amazing to me how fast and furious you came, that pretty much every moment of that experience lingers. There are few experiences that have had such a lasting impact.

I had no way of knowing just how wonderful you would be, Gus, but looking at the four-year-old you are today, I can say with certainty that you have made this life infinitely better by being with us.

While you are still quite the snuggle bunny ("I need some one to snuggle with me... I need an adult... I need a GIRL... I need YOU!"), you are also becoming fiercely independent. Beware the minute we 'forget' that you can do something yourself, for you will remind us without much tact. You still feel things quite deeply, and quickly, but I notice now that while you might quickly react to something (let's say I've said no about something, you are equally as quick to rescind your response, as your responses often come out faster than the entire thought process will allow. I guess you are catching on to the art of compromise slowly but surely, and we're trying to arm you with the ability to counter us back in effective ways. We may think we know everything, but you're starting to see that it's not necessarily true and that you can help shape outcomes that meet both of our needs.

I have to admit, I totally had a childhood flashback with you yesterday. We were folding laundry, and you volunteered to match and fold socks. You wanted to fold them sandwich-style, I wanted to fold one sock over the other. You were entirely disinterested in my approach, wanting to stick to your own. I had this moment of thinking that this is THE way we should fold socks.Then I remembered a conversation I had with my Mom many a moon ago about folding towels. She was adamant that her way was THE way, and I kept saying, Mom, there is more than one way to fold a towel! It's funny, I reminded her of that conversation for years to come, but yet I quickly forgot it in that moment yesterday. Maybe your way is better, Gus. Time will tell.

You are obsessed with spelling everything out that you see printed, on signs, on containers, in books. You're starting to recognize how the letters translate to sounds, and are recognizing some words. I hope this love of words and books will continue. On the other end of the spectrum, literally, you are quite amused by making butt jokes. Total boy, if I may be stereotypical. All in all, well-rounded.

You have often told me you would like to marry me, although when I say I'm already married, you say you'll marry some other young girl. You recently had a nightmare where, after waking up, you were crying saying, "I don't want to be married!" Ah, to be so conflicted!

You seem to be enjoying Elias' growth now more than ever. You two are so happy to see each other at the end of the day, and you play together constantly. Eli is your mirror; he does everything you do, often to his own detriment and my chagrin. You're starting to understand the concept of being a good example, but that's quite a burden to put on you to think through implications like that. We just try to run interference when needed but often let you both work it out among yourselves.

While you often woke up in the morning, crying about it being a school day, that sentiment is slowly fading. This was a new situation that came after our week of intense illness and subsequent travel to visit Grandma while she was in the hospital. For months after you have cried when we leave, but I know it is short-lived, as you have really taken to school, love your teachers and have such a brightness about you when we pick you up. You're taking piano at school once a week, and you seem to look forward to having your lesson each week. If only we could figure out how to let you practice without Eli clobbering the keys...

Here's to a wonderful year ahead, Gus. We love you so much!

Posted by janna at December 6, 2007 12:30 AM


Gus, Gus, Gus, I was thinking about your birthday yesterday and I loved reading your momma's journal entry today.

Her journal entry reminded me of a letter we received on your uncle Ken's birthday when we were first married. It was a letter from your Great Gramma Valera. She sent a birthday card and letter describing Uncle Ken's actual birthday in detail and a summary of what a wonderful baby, boy and man he had grown into. I can see alot of Gramma V in your Momma.

Happy Birthday big boy! May your day be filled with fun, laughter, too much cake and the love of your family. We are thinking of you in Iowa!

Love, Aunt Deb

Posted by: Aunt Deb at December 6, 2007 08:55 AM

Happy Birthday, Gus! Can you really be 4 years old already!
We love you, Dwight & Pat

Posted by: Pat at December 6, 2007 09:59 AM

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