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October 02, 2007

the face of strep throat

the face of strep throat, originally uploaded by jannacybill.

On Saturday night, Gus woke up with a start and called me to his room. As I lay beside him, he says in a very lucid and awake voice, "If we have a fever, we can say 'booo boo boo boo,' and it will go away."

At this point, I started laughing because I thought it was a great sentiment to have. Gus instantly says, "It's not funny!" and starts crying a deep, hurt cry.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I did not mean to hurt your feelings," I said. "I just thought what you said was really smart and funny, I didn't want to hurt your feelings." His sobs subsided, and he was quiet for a moment.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, with his fever and throat in mind.

"Well, first you hurt my feelings, and then you made me feel happy, so I was confused."

Posted by janna at October 2, 2007 06:49 AM


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