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October 18, 2007

Gusisms, v.256

setting: Gus was pretending to be playing a video game (Something he tried ONCE a year ago, and has never forgotten. Total gamer on our hands.) Apparently, the video game was scary and was going to scare me, too.

Gus: Looks over at me, tilts his head down as if looking OVER a pair of reading glasses, and says very earnestly, "Mama, you have to promise me that you won't be fainted."

Me: I, trying hard not to laugh, shocked that he knows what fainting even is, say, "Umm, okay..."

Flash forward to tonight.

Setting: We're in the car. I recall this story, and finally tell John.

Gus: After hearing me tell John the story, he says, "Only girls fainted, boys don't fainted."

John: Driving, turns his head away and slightly crumples in silent laughter, knowing full well I am not the 'girl' to say such things to.

Me: "What?? Who told you that?"

Gus: "I did."

Me: "Both girls AND boys can faint."

Gus: "No they can't, only girls."

Me: "But I'm a girl..."

Gus: "No you're not."

We then find out that he saw a cartoon where a woman saw a kid in a halloween costume through her window and fainted. Something he saw for two seconds now has become not only a part of his vocabulary, but also a part of his worldview. Anyone know of a cartoon where the boys are fainting left and right? I feel like my childhood friend, Joe, is channeling Gus somehow and making him say such things just to rile me up.

Posted by janna at October 18, 2007 12:17 AM


You can't really be surprised that Gus is interested in anything "techy", can you?

Posted by: Pat at October 20, 2007 03:28 PM

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