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June 24, 2007

No more satin blankets, onesies or burp cloths

It's over. The baby stage, for all intents and purposes, is past. I was folding laundry tonight, and came across some items that are begging to be packed away. I smiled to myself because I thought back to earlier in the day, when the lack of babyhood was apparent. Not only is Eli doing everything that Gus does, they are also playing a lot with each other. Gus and Eli basically chased each other back and forth for about 20 minutes, laughing hysterically. They were also laughing when Gus picked up and carried Eli... it was so fun that Eli kept coming back to Gus, holding his hands up in the air and looking up to Gus, just wanting one more turn. Equally cute (and frightening) was the full-on, full-body wrestling that was occurring downstairs, Eli squealing with delight.

Now I realize that my every day is going to be filled with lessons like, "Don't squeeze necks, we need them to breathe," or "Eli, you absolutely CANNOT leap off the couch into an abyss of nothing and not get hurt (his body does not freeze up with any worry or concern... he is like a dodo bird, casually walking off th edge...).

My Mom is going to have a heart attack when she sees this.

Posted by janna at June 24, 2007 11:33 PM


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