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June 19, 2007


The power of an older brother is apparent in our household. Whatever Gus does, Eli is typically a mere five seconds behind. If Gus decides to stand on the couch, so does Eli. Growl at Mama? Eli copies. The mirroring is also happening after the fact, quite spontaneously.

The best example?

The other day Eli went into the bathroom by himself. John and I followed close behind, but with enough space that Eli felt he was on his own. He walked over to the toilet, lifted up the cover, then lifted up the seat. He brought his body close to the toilet, lifted up his shirt, and tried to push his diaper and shorts down.

Our jaws dropped. Could we possibly get this kid to use the toilet before the age of two??? Keep copying, Eli. We support you.

Posted by janna at June 19, 2007 10:41 PM


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