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June 27, 2007

16 months old

16 months old, originally uploaded by jannacybill.

I can't believe it... not only is Eli 16 months old, my Mom had to remind me of that fact. This is my last 'legal' year of counting Eli's monthly birthday, although I would say that even Gus would benefit from the monthly distinction since so much is still changing each month.

Eli... wow. You have just exploded into this little person full of WILL and smiles. Your mornings are starting off the same: very happy. It's easy to mess up that happiness, though, if I don't meet your demands immediately. First thing, you tell me to go downstairs by signing downstairs. Now once we're in the dining room, you sign "eat" and point to the kitchen. Then once there, you point to the fridge and sign "milk". You know exactly what you want, and by God if I go to the bathroom instead of the kitchen, I will hear it.

You also like it when I tell you not to stand on the couch or chair. It actually makes you giggle. It would be infuriating if it weren't so cute. If you get hurt, by the hand of your brother or by accident, you've taken to pouting and pointing to the culprit.

You have inherited a love of books from your Grandma. While you love reading books together before bed, more often you will pick a book out and find a good place to sit for a long while.

You've also discovered throwing. I have never had so many things flung in my face, exactly on my glasses, as I have the past couple of weeks. You have an arm on you. Use it for good, my son.

My favorite is still watching you walk into daycare. You're loving the routine of kisses in the car and then turning to wave goodbye every five steps.

I am conflicted... I want you to stay my snuggle bunny, but I'm so excited to see you changing and growing.

Posted by janna at June 27, 2007 11:20 PM


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