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May 04, 2007

"Tell me the protest story again," he said.

Tuesday, May 1st, brought an enormous protest to downtown Chicago. Thousands of people took part in an immigration amnesty march, which happened to take over the street I needed to cross to get back to work. It was an amazing sight. The emotion was palpable, the connection was unmistakable.

The next night, I told Gus about my experience on our way home. I was thinking it would be difficult to describe the complexity of a protest to a three-year old, but it really is basic: People are mad, but they have hope and they want change, so they gather and march together in the street. Gus was fascinated. He wanted to see a protest. So as soon as we arrived home, we opened up the computer, went on You Tube, and found some video footage of the protest. He was captivated. He wanted more.

That night in bed, he wanted me to tell him the story again. And Thursday, he wanted to hear the story about three times...and tonight, wanted to hear the story again and again about the protest and how I had to walk across.

"They were mad?" he asked.

"They were mad, but they had hope. Hope is a good thing."

We went to a playground after work. There is an ethnic festival happening at this park tomorrow, so there is a huge tent set up with a very long mini stage. We decided to run around inside, and as we were playing, I told Gus that tomorrow there was going to be a festival here.

"...and maybe a protest, too!" he said with glee.

I might have a little politico on my hands.

Posted by janna at May 4, 2007 10:12 PM


Hey there Jana and Jon!!! Wow. 2 kids? So good to catch up on things, though it's an odd way to do so. Looks like mommy's got her own little Hugo Chavez in tow. Very cool.

Much to tell, maybe too much. Becky and I are living up in Wisconsin, about 30 miles south of Madison in a brilliant community called Fort Atkinson.

13 weeks, and 3 days ago, our daughter Zoe Irene was born in a snow storm complete with lightning and thunder. Nothing small about her entrance. Take a look at the photos posted to smugmug. Hoping all's well.

I do visit Oak Park frequently, with my sister and now my parents living nearby...would love to catch up next time we're in town.

Hoping all's well, certainly seems like it is. We're already eyeing another baby...too early but not really.



Posted by: Paul Bouboutsis at May 21, 2007 09:27 PM

Hey there Jana and Jon!!! Wow. 2 kids? So good to catch up on things, though it's an odd way to do so. Looks like mommy's got her own little Hugo Chavez in tow. Very cool.

Much to tell, maybe too much. Becky and I are living up in Wisconsin, about 30 miles south of Madison in a brilliant community called Fort Atkinson.

13 weeks, and 3 days ago, our daughter Zoe Irene was born in a snow storm complete with lightning and thunder. Nothing small about her entrance. Take a look at the photos posted to smugmug. Hoping all's well.

I do visit Oak Park frequently, with my sister and now my parents living nearby...would love to catch up next time we're in town.

Hoping all's well, certainly seems like it is. We're already eyeing another baby...too early but not really.



Posted by: Paul Bouboutsis at May 21, 2007 09:29 PM

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