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January 08, 2007

Savoring this time

John is asleep on the couch next to me.

Were this a month ago, I would be waking him up, getting him some coffee and encouraging him on his way to finishing up his first semester of graduate school. Now, I can let him sleep. Winter break came and went, but now the school is in winter session, so John is working the 9-5 for a few weeks.

Now that Eli is starting to go down a bit easier (knock on wood), and John will soon be back at it, I'm trying to decide how I want to spend my free time of, oh, an hour or two at night (juggled with other household duties). For the longest time, Babydays was my only extracurricular activity. Then John had to go and buy me a crazy camera, and then I had to actually practice and try to figure out how to use it. That's when Flickr really came into play, and then I had two obsessions. Now I'm trying to figure out how to balance those things.

But come on... balance? What the heck does that mean? And does it really even exist? Don't we just need to DO? You know what I really need to 'balance'? Is sleeping. I'm not doing a very good job sitting up at 11:25 writing when I really need sleep. I need more than 5 hours in a row (and that actually hasn't happened for a long time.)

Posted by janna at January 8, 2007 11:12 PM


May I suggest... knitting...?

Posted by: Brenda at January 9, 2007 09:32 AM